Realtiqq Terms and Condition

Realtiqq - REAL ESTATE PORTAL ® Terms of Use

According to the Information Technology Act of 2000, its implementing rules, and several other pertinent laws, this document is an electronic record. There are neither physical nor digital signatures necessary for this electronic record because it is produced by a computer system.

The terms of this agreement, which governs your use of the Site or the Platform, as defined below, are between you, the user ("User" or "You") of the Services, as defined below, and Brand Shine Info Solutions (BSIS). You consent, agree, and undertake to abide by, be bound by, and comply to the terms of use and the Privacy Policy available at by accepting these terms of use in any form or by accessing this website. And If you do not agree to these terms of use, you are not authorised to use the services and any further usage will be considered unlawful. The Privacy Policy and all other rules that govern the Site are collectively referred to as "Terms of Use" or "Terms" or "Terms and Conditions".

Agreement to the Terms

To accept the Terms, you must be of legal age to form a binding contract. Use none of our services if you don't accept the General Terms. Use the relevant Service only if you agree to the General Terms but not any Service Specific Terms.

Description of Service

Under the name Realtiqq - REAL ESTATE PORTAL (referred to as the Service), we offer a variety of services via mobile and web applications for online collaboration, real-time communications, and control of field agents and other members of the organisation ("Service" or "Services"). You are allowed to utilise the Services for your organization's internal business needs. Any Internet browser that the Services support, as well as our mobile apps, can be used to connect to the Services. Access to the Internet and the tools required to utilise the Services must be obtained by you. You can create and edit content with your user account and the information you create is shared with other members of your organization.

Beta Services

For the purposes of testing and evaluation, the Service might additionally contain a few features or functionalities as closed or open beta services ("Beta Service" or "Beta Services"). You acknowledge that we alone have the power to choose how long Beta Services will be tested and evaluated. The effectiveness of such testing and the choice, if any, to make the Beta Services available as paid services will only be determined by us. Your subscription to any Beta Service will not obligate you to purchase a subscription in order to utilise any premium service. Any of the Beta Services may be completely or partially discontinued at any time and from time to time, temporarily or permanently, with or without prior notice to you. You acknowledge and agree that the modification, suspension, or discontinuation of any of the Beta Services for any reason will not subject BSIS to any liability to you or any third person.

Modification of Terms of Service

We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time and without prior notice to you by emailing your primary email address or posting a notice on our website. You shall receive at least 30 days' notice through email at your main email address if we make material modifications to the Terms that affect your rights. If the Terms are updated in a way that materially affects your rights in connection with the use of the Services, you may stop using the Services by giving BSIS notice by email within 15 days of being told that the modified Terms are available. You shall be entitled to a prorated refund of the unused portion of any prepaid fees in the case of such cancellation. Your continued use of the Service following the implementation of any modification to the Terms will be taken as acceptance of the new Terms.

User Sign up Obligations

To access or utilise the Services, you must register for a user account by completing all necessary information. We advise that you and every other user from your organisation register for user accounts using your corporate contact information if you are an organisation representative and desire to use the Services for corporate internal purposes. Particularly, we advise using your company email address. As part of the registration process, you agree to: give true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself; maintain and promptly update the information supplied during registration to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. Brand Shine reserves the right to suspend or terminate your user account and prohibit you from using any of the Services in the future if you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete, or if BSIS has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete.

Organization Accounts and Administrators

For access to or usage of the Services, you must register for a user account by providing all necessary information. We advise that you and every other user from your organisation register for user accounts using your corporate contact information if you are an organisation representative and desire to use the Services for corporate internal purposes. Particularly, we advise using your company email address.

You are accountable for keeping the password to your organisation account secure, designating capable personnel to manage your organisation account, and making sure that all actions taken in connection with your organisation account are compliant with this Agreement.

You are aware that BSIS does not control your account or internal operations related to the Services.

You are in charge of taking the required actions to make sure that your company doesn't lose control of the administrator accounts. If you lose control of the administrator accounts, you can indicate the steps to take to regain control by sending an email to, provided that BSIS is okay with them. In the absence of a clearly defined administrator account recovery procedure, BSIS may grant control of an administrator account to a person who can prove their authority to act on behalf of the organisation in a way that is acceptable to BSIS. You consent to hold Brand Shine harmless from any liability resulting from any action you take. You agree not to hold Brand Shine liable for the consequences of any action taken by BSIS in good faith in this regard. Personal Information, Privacy & Data Ownership Your opting to use the Service indicates your acceptance of the terms of the BSIS Privacy Policy.

Communications from BSIS

Brand Shine may send out newsletters, administrative messages, and service announcements through the Service. You are aware that utilising the Services will include these communications. You have the choice whether or not to receive our mailings from us. You won't be able to choose not to receive administrative and service announcements, nevertheless.


If someone complains to us about your actions while using the Services, we will forward their complaint to the main email address associated with your user account. After we submit the complaint to you, you have 10 days to react directly to the complainant while including a copy of the message to BSIS. We may provide the complainant with your name and contact information in order for the complainant to pursue legal action against you if you do not respond to the complainant within 10 days of the date of our communication to you. You understand that your failure to respond to the forwarded complaint within the 10 days’ time limit will be construed as your consent to disclosure of your name and contact information by BSIS to the complainant.

Restrictions on Use

In addition to all other terms and conditions of this Agreement, you agree not to: transfer or otherwise make the Services available to any third party; provide any service based on the Services without BSIS's prior written consent; use the Services in any way that could harm BSIS's servers, networks, computer systems, or resources; violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law; or create a false identity.

Spamming and Illegal Activities

You acknowledge that the content of any transmissions you make using the Services are completely your responsibility. You hereby agree not to use the Services for any unlawful activities or for the transmission of any unlawful, defamatory, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material, or for the transmission of any material that violates or may violate another's intellectual property or other rights, or that is vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or contains viruses or malicious code. You acknowledge that sending unsolicited bulk email or sending "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," or "phishing" over the Services is prohibited. If we have a good faith belief that you have used the Services for any illegal activity, we have the right to discontinue your access to the Services.

You acknowledge that the content of any transmissions you make using the Services are completely your responsibility. You hereby agree not to use the Services for any unlawful activities or for the transmission of any unlawful, defamatory, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material, or for the transmission of any material that violates or may violate another's intellectual property or other rights, or that is vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or contains viruses or malicious code. You acknowledge that sending unsolicited bulk email or sending "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," or "phishing" over the Services is prohibited. If we have a good faith belief that you have used the Services for any illegal activity, we have the right to discontinue your access to the Services.

Inactive User Accounts Policy

We retain the right to cancel user accounts that are underpaid and inactive for 120 days straight. Upon such termination, all information related to such user account will be erased. In the event of such termination, we will give you advance notice and the choice to backup your data. In the event of accounts with several users, the account will not be regarded as inactive if at least one of the users is active.


BSIS's trademarks include BSIS, the Brand Shine logo, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL, and the REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL logo. Without Brand Shine's prior consent, you undertake not to display or utilise the Brand Shine trademarks in any way.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The User agrees that, despite BSIS' best efforts, the connection, quality, and speed of data transmission over the networks are solely dependent on the telecommunications setup or any other form(s) of local/Internet access. Therefore, BSIS shall not be liable to the User in any way for any failure, defect, delay in connectivity or accidental loss of connectivity of the User or the deficiency in data transmission, or for any inconvenience, damage, or loss of any kind that may result from such a failure, defect, delay in connectivity, or deficiency in data transmission. All guarantees of the Service, whether stated or implied, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement, are expressly disclaimed by BSIS and its third-party service providers.

Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that, even if BSIS has been informed of the possibility of such damage, BSIS shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, punitive, or other loss or damage, or for any loss of business profits, business interruption, computer failure, loss of business information, or other loss arising out of or caused by your use of or inability to use the service. BSIS's total responsibility to you for any service, whether direct or indirect, shall in no case exceed the fees that you have already paid for that service.


You consent to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify BSIS, its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, and affiliates from and against any losses, damages, penalties, and costs (including legal fees and costs) resulting from or connected with any allegations that you have used the Services in violation of the rights of any third party, the law, the Terms, or any other claim related to your use of the Services, unless such use is authorised by BSIS.


The Term of this Agreement is dependent upon the "Period of use" and is as stated in the invoice served to the User for payment. When a user requests a renewal of this agreement, BSIS will send them a new invoice with the charges involved and the renewed term. If the user accepts the renewed terms by paying the charges or acknowledging them in writing or by email, this agreement will be deemed to have been renewed in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined herein, and this agreement will continue to be in effect until it is terminated.

Proprietary Rights

The User understands and agrees that any content made available to the User through the Services or by third-party advertisers, including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, or other material contained in configuration software, sponsor advertisements (if any), is subject to copyright, trademark, service mark, patent, and other intellectual property rights and laws.

The User acknowledges and agrees that they are only allowed to use this content and information in ways that have been expressly approved by BSIS or the advertisers, as applicable. They are not allowed to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, or turn this content or information into derivative works without express permission.

Force Majeure

The User shall not have any claim for damages against BSIS in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance of the Services if at any time during the term of the Agreement the performance in whole or part of any obligation under it shall be prevented or delayed by reason of war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes, lock-out, or act of GOD, etc.

Arbitration of Disputes

The Managing Director of Brand Shine Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. shall be the only arbitrator of any issue, disagreement, or difference arising out of this agreement and/or the Services.


Any changes made by BSIS to this Agreement will be effective right once once they are sent to the User via email, posting, or another mode of communication. Continued use of the Services by the User shall constitute conclusive acceptance of the amended Agreement by the User.


The laws of India, as applied to the city of Noida, shall govern this Agreement and the relationship between BSIS and the User. Any right or requirement of this Agreement that BSIS and its third-party service providers fail to exercise or enforce shall not be deemed to have been waived. The parties agree that, even if a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement unlawful, it should still make an effort to give respect to the parties' intentions as expressed in the provision and rule that the other terms of this Agreement are still fully enforceable.

Suspension and Termination

In the event of any alleged criminal behaviour, protracted periods of inactivity, or requests from law enforcement or other governmental agencies, we may suspend your user account or temporarily block access to all or a portion of the Service. Within 30 days of learning that a user's account has been suspended or disabled, complaints should be sent to After 30 days, we reserve the right to cancel a suspended or disabled user account. On your request, we will also close your user account.

Additionally, we reserve the right to terminate your access to any Beta Services in the event of unanticipated technical difficulties or the discontinuation of the Beta Service, as well as to terminate your user account and refuse the Services if we have a good faith belief that you have broken the Terms. If BSIS violates its responsibilities under these Terms, you have the right to terminate your user account. In this case, you will be entitled to a prorated refund of any payments you have already paid. Denial of access to the Services, deletion of information in your user account, including your email address and password, and deletion of all data in your user account are all included in the termination of a user account.

Please get in touch with us if you have any queries or concerns about this Agreement.

REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL ® Data Privacy Statement

What is the purpose of this document?

The REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL platform and Brand Shine Info Solutions (hereafter referred to as "BSIS") are dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and security of your personal data.

Using your personal information and data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation is described in this privacy statement (GDPR).

All users of the REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL service and site visitors, referred to herein as "users" or "data subjects," are subject to it.

As a "data controller" under the GDPR, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL/BSIS is in charge of selecting how to keep and use your personal information. The disclosure of the information in this privacy statement is mandated by data protection laws. We may update this statement at any time. It is important that you read this statement, together with our Terms of Use to have a clear and complete understanding of how we categorize data and process it.


Users: In this privacy statement, "User(s)" also refers to Customers, Administrators, and End Users of the Services.

Offices, firms, legal entities, and organisations that are either in business or not are the service's customer(s).

A person designated by offices, firms, legal entities, and other organisations to oversee the use of services is known as an administrator.

End User: Customers' employees and/or staff who use the Service, as well as any other users of the website and/or the Service who are not Administrators or Customers.

Services: Brand Shine Info Solutions offers services via its REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL platform, mobile application, website, and

User information: All data gathered from Users who access the Services or go to the website Personal Information: Information about the User that identifies the User, including email addresses, names, dates of birth, gender, Internet Protocol addresses, and other information. This includes credit card or other payment information that the User submits to us when using the Services.

Business Data: Any personal data and information of User(s) supplied by Clients and Administrators for use of the Services shall be regarded as Business Data.

Information We Collect

We employ cookies, third-party web beacons and buttons, ad tags, device identifiers, and Internet Protocol identifiers to collect user data. Additionally, we gather information from your user account's contents, the device you use to access the Services, use statistics, information saved in your user account by third parties, and any information you give to third parties while using the Services. It should be noted that even when the Service is not used, we collect information from visitors who only browse

How we collect the information

REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL may collect and receive User data in a variety of ways: Account Information: Personal Information provided to create or update a REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL account.

Usage Information

Log information: Similar to the majority of websites and technological services offered over the Internet, our servers automatically record information from your usage of our Websites or Services and store it in log files. The Internet Protocol (IP) address, the website address that was visited prior to using the Website or Services, the date and time the Services were accessed, information about the browser's settings and plugins, language choices, and cookie data may all be included in this log data.

Device specifics: When a device accesses the Services, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL records information about it, such as the device's kind, operating system, settings, application IDs, and crash data. The type of device determines frequently whether we gather all of this data or just some of it.

Location Data: We have access to information about your location from you, your employees, and other sources. In order to pinpoint the location, we might, for instance, use a company address provided by one of your employees or an IP address obtained from your browser or device. According to the consent method offered by your device, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL may also gather location data from devices.

Cookie details: In order to collect information, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL uses cookies and other similar technologies on our websites and through our services. Additionally, our websites and services might contain third-party cookies and other tracking technologies that track your online activities across multiple websites and online services in order to gather additional information about you. Third Party Services: Information available from the User as a result of the User accessing or using third party services through Services.

Additional Information Provided to REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL:

User information that we have obtained from Users who have interacted with our social media accounts, completed job applications, demos, or other activities or events, or otherwise contacted REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL and BSIS.

Choice to Opt out

Users have the option to refuse to supply information that is required in order to utilise the Services. However, you won't be able to use the Services if you opt out or don't provide all of the required information.

How We Use Information

The User data is gathered to deliver, enhance, personalise, support, and increase the usefulness of the Services. The data is also utilised to track user behaviour and preferences and for research and service improvement. We use the information we gather from User(s) to make content recommendations, provide alerts and notifications, and offer business insights to Users and the company they work for. The User data may also be used to develop efficient Service marketing and advertising campaigns.

REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL uses information provided by you for the following purposes:

to offer, maintain, update, and safeguard our services, websites, and business. To support the delivery of the Services under a Customer Agreement, prevent or address service problems, security or technical issues, evaluate and monitor usage, trends, and other activities with the user's consent.

to interact with you by responding to your inquiries, suggestions, and comments. If you get in touch with us, we might respond using the data you give us.

to create and deliver search, education, and productivity applications, as well as extra features.

The goal of REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL is to make the services as beneficial to the users as possible. We may utilise data, for instance, to assess and rate the relevancy of content, to suggest changes to the Services based on past usage and forecasting models, to spot organisational patterns and insights, to personalise the Services experience, or to develop new productivity features and products. to communicate by email and other means. Emails, messages, and other sorts of communications regarding services, technology, and other administrative matters may be sent to you. We may also get in touch with you to let you know about essential service-related alerts, changes to our service offerings, and changes to our services themselves. You cannot opt out of receiving these communications because they are regarded as being a part of the Services. In addition, we sometimes send emails about new product features, promotional communications or other news about REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL. These are marketing messages so you can control whether you receive them.

For billing, account management and other administrative matters. REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL may need to contact you for invoicing, account management and similar reasons and we use account data to administer accounts and keep track of billing and payments.

Data Retention

In accordance with a Customer's requests, including any applicable provisions in the Customer Agreement and Customer's usage of Services functionality, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL shall keep User Data for as long as is necessary under applicable law. The customer might have the option to modify their retention settings and implement those modifications at the account level. When Customer deletes Customer Data or uses the Services in another way, some additional related data may also be deleted or de-identified as a result.

Information about you may be kept by REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL for as long as required for the goals outlined in this privacy statement.
Keeping your information after you deactivate your account may be necessary for REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL to pursue legitimate business interests, carry out audits, adhere to (and prove compliance with) legal responsibilities, settle disputes, and uphold our agreements.

With Who Do We Share the Information

When required and fair, we share the information we gather with people and/or organisations who help us provide our services to the User. However, these individuals and organisations are required to keep the information shared confidential and to use it only to carry out the duties, engagements, and services that have been delegated to them by us.

When required by law or in the event of legal summonses and proceedings, we may be required to reveal User information as well as any service-related information pertaining to Users. Within the time frame required by law, the User will be informed of such disclosure.

Third-party Services

The User(s) are advised to review the privacy policies of any third party services before using them, whether through the Services or through external links on our website. Whether or not a third party service is accessed through our website or Services, we are not liable for any privacy concerns or service flaws that may result from its use.

How We Share and Disclose Information

This section explains the information sharing and disclosure practises used by REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL. REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL has no influence over the policies and procedures that customers choose to follow regarding the sharing and disclosure of information, and neither do any other third parties.

Instructions from the client: In addition to any applicable terms in the Customer Agreement and the use of Services functionality by the Customer, REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL will only share and disclose Customer Data in line with a Customer's instructions and in compliance with applicable legislation and legal procedure.

Displaying the Services:

Other Users with access to the same or associated accounts may see the data that a User uploads. A User's name, gender, email address, and mobile number, for instance, might be shown alongside their account profile.

Working together with Others:

The Services give users who are logged into an account several means of working together, such as the "My Team" interface, which lets users find out about one another's past and present activities as well as where they are right now.

Client Access

Information may be accessed, modified, or restricted by Company Owners & Account Administrators. Users who send requests for data access, modification, restriction, or deletion will be directed to get in touch with the account administrators or the company owner.

Third Party Service Providers and Partners:

As service providers or business partners, we may work with third parties to process information and support our operations. These third parties might, for instance, offer information into how a customer's users or staff use their services. The Account Administrators or the Company Owners have the power to enable or stop Third Party Services. REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL may share data with Third Party Services when this feature is activated. Third parties who have been given access to your information may have their own rules and procedures for its collection and use. Third Party Services are not owned or controlled by REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL. If you have any queries, please check the privacy settings and notices in these Third Party Services or get in touch with the provider.

Corporate Affiliates:

REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL may share information with its corporate affiliates, parents and/or subsidiaries.

Data Security

To protect the User data, we follow industry standards and commercially reasonable practises. Although we make every effort to protect user data, we cannot warrant or ensure the security of any information that users may send to, receive through, or store on the Service. In the event of a security system breach, we may try to electronically alert the User. After receiving knowledge of a security breach from us or another source, the User is obligated to take the necessary precautions to safeguard User data and limit any potential losses that may result from the breach. If a security breach is discovered for the first time by the user, it is expected that the user would immediately notify of the breach.

Children's Privacy

Children under the age of 16 are not knowingly subject to our collection of their personal information.

REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL prohibits users under the age of 16 from using its services to the extent permitted by applicable law. If you learn that anyone younger than 16 has unlawfully provided us with personal data, please contact us and we will takes steps to delete such information.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time by REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL. REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL will give you further notice if we make modifications that significantly modify your privacy rights, such as through email through the Services. If you disagree with the changes to this Privacy Policy, you should deactivate your Services account.

Data Protection Officer

Contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to Rights you have: User Data Access, Removal, and Modification

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, Users may grant and/or revoke access to their REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL accounts, assign roles, set preferences, change, export, distribute, and/or delete User Data other than Business data through the Administrator. However, unless the Customer has granted permission and we have received the necessary action directly from the Customer, the User(s) cannot delete, change, distribute, withdraw, or offer access to Business Data.

Getting in touch with REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL

If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice or if you want to exercise any of your legal rights, don't hesitate to get in touch with REALTIQQ - REAL ESTATE PORTAL. You may contact us at I agree to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

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